Let’s listen: referendum resources

With a referendum just around the corner, we'd like to share persuasive messages that build public support for First Nations self-determination and justice, now and beyond the referendum.

We've been thrilled to support the multi-year Passing The Message Stick project, led by First Nations people.

In the latest research, we found people overwhelmingly agree that listening to First Nations people when making laws and policies that impact them will lead to better laws and policies. This is a great message to share, because it taps into shared values of listening and respect, and is underpinned by the expertise of First Nations communities – a strengths frame.

Another central concept is “yes-and”. A resounding yes vote is “the next step” and “opens the door” to the bigger changes First Nations people have been calling for for decades, like treaties, truth-telling and representation. A no vote would close that door. Note here the "journey" metaphor that works so well for many progressive issues, where society moves forward from where we are now to a better place.  

Each and every one of us can build support for First Nations self-determination and justice, through conversations with our friends, family and colleagues. We encourage you to share and use the latest Passing The Message Stick resources, including a handy summary guide.

Cover of the Passing the Message Stick report.

Passing The Message Stick is led by a Steering Group of Dr Jackie Huggins AM, Larissa Baldwin-Roberts (GetUp) and Millie Telford and Kirsty Albion (Australian Progress). Common Cause Australia led the language analysis and contributed to the focus groups and dial test survey run by research partners Qdos. 

Dr Eleanor Glenn

Eleanor is co-director of Common Cause Australia. Contact her at eleanor@commoncause.com.au


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