resource Library
In our resource library you’ll find the latest values-based message guides and other resources from Common Cause Australia and aligned organisations from around the world.
We update this section regularly, so sign up to our mailing list to receive our latest resources in your inbox as soon as they’re released.
Want us to create a message guide or other tool for your organisation or issue? Get in touch.
Common Cause Classics
The Common Cause Handbook
The Common Cause Handbook is the perfect introduction to values and frames.
The Handbook is a practical guide to values-based engagement for campaigners, community organisers, public servants, fundraisers, educators, social entrepreneurs, activists, funders, politicians, and everyone in between.
Perceptions Matter
This large scale research by Common Cause Foundation reveals new insights into values perceptions in the United Kingdom and United States with clear relevance for Australia. Conducted among both conservative and progressive voters, it demonstrates that our perceptions of other people's values are critical to our levels of civic engagement.
Values Map + Definitions
This two page handout includes the full Schwartz values map along with a list of definitions and values groups. This values map provides additional detail beyond the values wheel.
Message Guides
Safer Speeds Communication Toolkit
The Safer Speeds Communication Toolkit contains a wealth of resources, including a Communication Guide, for building public support for 40 and 30km/h limits on local streets.
Framing Homelessness
This message guide is intended for anyone aiming to build public support for suitable, affordable homes and support services to end homelessness. It was developed following extensive message research conducted by Common Cause Australia on behalf of Homelessness NSW
Social Housing message guide
This message guide is intended for anyone aiming to build local support for social housing, and reduce stigma experienced by social housing residents. It was developed following message research conducted by Common Cause Australia on behalf of the Regional Local Government Homelessness & Social Housing Charter Group (Victoria).
Healthier Partnerships in Sport Message Guide
This message guide will be useful to anyone working in health promotion seeking to engage with community sports. It was produced based on message testing on the topic of harmful marketing with sporting associations across Victoria in 2023 on behalf of VicHealth in collaboration with VicSport.
QUIT Vaping Messaging Guide
Our latest Vaping Messaging Guide, developed in collaboration with Quit and based on extensive message testing with over 2,000 Australians offers key insights and recommendations for talking to Australians about vaping and vaping policy.
Parental Supply of Alcohol
This message guide is intended for advocates working to encourage parents and carers to refrain from supplying alcohol to the young people in their care. It is based on extensive national message research conducted on behalf of Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF).
By us, for us: A disability messaging guide
By us, for us: A disability messaging guide is the first phase of ongoing narrative work led by people with disability and supported by Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA), Common Cause Australia and the Centre for Australian Progress.
Human Rights Act
Developed on behalf of the Australian Human Rights Commission, this practical message guide is for campaigners, policy officers, researchers and communicators working on public advocacy to build support for a national Human Rights Act in Australia.
Healthy Persuasion
This guide, created for health promotion practitioners on behalf of VicHealth, contains recommendations that will help you craft more persuasive communications across a range of health topics.
The guide is based on extensive message testing on topic areas including healthy eating policy, alcohol policy, childhood obesity, and harmful industries.
Framing gender equality
The Framing Gender Equality message guide, launched in February 2021, includes practical recommendations to help you boost support for gender equality initiatives in Australia.
The guide is based on extensive research on behalf of VicHealth and the Together for Equality and Respect Partnership with the support of the Outer East Primary Care Partnership.
Passing the message stick
Passing the Message Stick is a guide to changing the story on self-determination and justice for First Nations people.
Common Cause was thrilled to support this two-year project led by First Nations Fellows, and project partners Dr Jackie Huggins AM, GetUp, Original Power and Australian Progress.
Framing Masculinity
This message guide contains recommendations that will help you have more productive conversations about freeing men from masculine stereotypes in Australia.
It is based on extensive research undertaken by Common Cause Australia on behalf of VicHealth in 2019 and early 2020.
Framing walking and bike riding
If you’d like to see streets for everyone, everywhere, you'll want to use our new Walking and Bike Riding message guide, prepared for VicHealth and partners.
Based on extensive research and advocate experience, our messages build public support for neighbourhoods where everyone can get around in ways that make us happy and healthy.
Alcohol Framing Tips in Action
This resource helps you apply the tips from the Healthy Persuasion message guide with ‘before’ and ‘after’ examples of alcohol messaging.
Framing Cessation Care
This message guide contains evidence-based recommendations for how to motivate GPs and pharmacists to implement best practice cessation care with patients who smoke.
It is based on extensive research with over 1,000 GPs and pharmacists across Australia and is intended for use by anyone engaging with health professionals on this topic.
Vaping and Young People
This report details findings of focus groups on the topic of e-cigarettes and vaping conducted with young people aged 14-24 years. The research was conducted on behalf of ACT Health in 2022 to explore young people’s perceptions and drivers of vaping. The report includes key recommendations for how to talk to young people about the harms of vaping.
E-Cigarettes and Vaping
This guide from Quit Victoria, based on research by Common Cause Australia and supported by VicHealth, Victorian Department of Health and Cancer Council Victoria, contains recommendations for how to talk about e-cigarettes and vaping. It is for people working in public health, health promotion, education, and community settings, including sporting clubs. Fill in the form to access the guide and other useful resources from Quit Victoria.
Framing Age
To create a society that respects, values and celebrates everyone regardless of age, we must first think and talk differently about what it means to grow older.
Based on national message research undertaken by Common Cause Australia in 2021, this message guide contains recommendations that will help you talk about age, ageing and issues that affect older people in ways that reduce ageist attitudes and behaviours.
Drug Stigma
The Drug Stigma Message Guide will help you talk about drugs and people who use them in ways that build support for policy reform while reducing drug stigma.
The guide is based on a discourse analysis and dial testing project funded by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, Uniting NSW/ACT and the New Zealand Drug Foundation.
Healthy WorkPlaces
This guide contains evidence-based recommendations for messages that motivate workplace leaders to create healthy workplaces. It is based on input from a wide range of workplaces, government agencies and service providers. Importantly, we found that most leaders’ motivation for workplace health and wellbeing stems from their care for others more so than workplace performance or financial benefit. The guide therefore recommends centering messages on care values.
COVID-19 vaccination
At some stage, we’ve all talked to our friends and family about COVID vaccination. In our work, some of us also talk about it on social media, or we support people to access vaccination.
This message guide shares our evidence-based tips to help motivate people to get vaccinated.
Responsible Cat Ownership
This guide provides recommendations for messages to encourage responsible cat ownership. It is for all those who have an interest in encouraging responsible cat ownership, including conservationists, vets, animal welfare organisations, Councils and community groups.
Dogs and wildlife
Commissioned by Capital Kiwi and Predator Free NZ, this guide provides recommendations for messages to encourage responsible dog ownership. It is for all those who have an interest in encouraging responsible dog ownership, including conservationists, vets, animal welfare organisations, Councils and community groups.
still haven’t found what you’re looking for?
Here are some other places to look for quality materials on values and frames :